Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Predatory landlords

It's common knowledge that there is a shortage of housing in Christchurch. Thousands of homes were destroyed or rendered uninhabitable in the February 2011 earthquake. But that doesn't excuse the avaricious and predatory renting practices of Christchurch landlords.

While some defend this as market forces of supply and demand at work, let me point out that the market is, by definition, selfish to the point of pyscopathy. Most of the time market forces in rentals work fine, but in states of emergency, with suddenly and drastically restricted supply, they only favour the privileged and predatory.

In my opinion, the government should have legislated a rental price freeze in Christchurch following the earthquake: that would have prevented greedy landlords from inflating rents to ridiculous levels and putting families out on the street.

But, once again, the government acted in the interests of the wealthy and privileged, instead of in the interests of the people.