Sunday, July 22, 2012

Police screw up, refuse to accept blame

A brief post about this story: the police obtained a warrant to search the computers of someone suspected of downloading kiddie porn; they waited too long to execute it, so even though they found illegal material, the guy has walked free because the search was illegal. Police refuse to accept that they were responsible for the stuff-up.

This is yet another warrant stuff-up on the part of the police, and yet again they are denying responsibility. If we are going to grant the police the power to destroy peoples' lives then we have the right to expect them to perform with the highest levels of competence. Otherwise, they are a threat to our liberty, rather than the guardians of it.

On another matter, I remember seeing Greg O'Conner on TV as the police association spokesman when I was in high school, and I'm closing in on 40 now: isn't it time for someone else to have a go at that job? Someone who has a bit more credibility than he does?

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